Death Cities: Hearing Atmospheric and Spatial Violence
This talk explores atmospheric violence—violence that is pervasive, diffuse, immanent, ‘in the air’—and spatial violence, what Herscher and Siddiqi (2014) have described as ‘the manifold forms of harm mediated through built environments,’ focusing on the role of sound and listening in violence ‘becoming atmospheric’ in cities (Peterson 2021). It references earwitness testimonies, citizen journalism, and clandestine investigations pertaining to the 51-Day War in Gaza in 2014 and contemporary Beirut in exploring how cities become sites of atmospheric and spatial violence, and how this violence is heard by those who are subjected to it. How is the listening subject reconfigured when their primary apprehension of the crumbling world around them is through sensing vibrations, including through the coupling of their body with the violent shaking of buildings? How do sound and listening participate in the spatial violence that characterizes urbicide? And what strategies have artists and activists developed to make audible forms of atmospheric violence that otherwise go undetected and unnoticed today?
20.11.2024, 19:00, online (click for the Zoom link)
Gascia Ouzounian is a sonic theorist and practitioner whose work explores sound in relation to space, urbanism, and violence. She is the author of Stereophonica: Sound and Space in Science, Technology, and the Arts (MIT Press 2021) and the forthcoming The Trembling City, which investigates cities as in relation to sound and vibrational force, particularly in the contexts of war, genocide, and mass violence. Ouzounian leads the project Sonorous Cities at the University of Oxford, where she is associate professor of music. She hosts the conversation series Countersonics: Radical Sonic Imaginaries, which asks how sonic practices can operate as modes of resistance and repair in times of conflict and crisis. Her work has featured at Mosaic Rooms, daadgalerie, SAVVY Contemporary, Akademie der Künste, Sursock Museum, Goethe Institute, OSCILLATIONS Festival, and Café OTO, among others.
Secondary sources
Andrew Herscher and Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi, eds. Spatial Violence (2014)
Gascia Ouzounian. Stereophonica: Sound and Space in Science, Technology, and the Arts (2021)
Marina Peterson. Atmospheric Noise: The Indefinite Urbanism of Los Angeles (2021)
Atef Abu Saif. The drone eats with me: diaries from a city under fire (2015)
Carolyn Birdsall. Earwitnessing: Sound Memories of the Nazi Period (2009)
Laila El-Haddad. After the Smoke Clears: Gaza’s Everyday Resistance (2014)
Michael C. Heller. Between silence and pain: loudness and the affective encounter (2015)
Anna Feigenbaumand Anja Kanngieser. For a politics of atmospheric governance (2015)
Aroosa Kanwal. Dreaming with drones: Palestine under the shadow of unseen war (2022)
James E. K. Parker. Sonic Lawfare: on the jurisprudence of weaponised sound (2015)
Mhamad Safa and Gascia Ouzounian. Aftersound (2023)
Eyal Weizman. Hollow land: Israel’s Architecture of Occupation (2012)
Other projects:
Acoustic Cities: London and Beirut (research project, 2019)
Sonorous Cities (research project)
Scoring the City (research project, 2020)